D. Moore, P. Bie, H. Oser (eds.)
Biological and Medical Research in Space
An Overview of Life Sciences Research in Microgravity
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York (ISBN 3-540-60636-X) - 569 pp.
Gravitational and space biology (D. Moore, A. Cogoli)
Physiology of cardiovascular, respiratory, intestinal, endocrine, immune, and muscular systems (H. Hinghofer-Szalkay)
Kidney function and fluid homeostasis (P. Bie, M.H. Bestle, L.B. Johansen)
Neurosensory and sensory-motor functions (G. Clement, M.F. Reschke)
Bone and space flight: an overview (J.J.W. vanLoon, J.P. Veldhuizen, E.H. Burger)
Radiation biology (J. Kiefer, M. Kost, K. Schenk-Meuser)
Exobiology (G. Horneck)
National & international space life sciences programmes, 1980 to 1993 - and beyond (B. Fitton, D. Moore)
Some comments on biological aspects of life support systems (H. Hinghofer-Szalkay, D. Moore)