Health from Space Research: Austrian
3-211-82413-8 -- Springer-Verlag Wien New York 1992 -- With
103 figures
Feichtinger Ch., Josseck B., Berzhatyi V.,
Batenchuk-Tusko T., Kozharinov V.: Acceptance-,
Qualification- and Delivery Procedures for AUSTROMIR'91
Harich H., Friedmann M., Kroenke I.: Countdown
Persterer A., Berger M., Koppensteiner C.,
Müller C., Nefjodova M., Opitz M.: AUDIMIR -
Directional Hearing at Microgravity
Hinghofer-Szalkay H.G., König E.M.,
Noskov V.B., Sauseng-Fellegger G.: BODYFLUIDS
Benke Th., Koserenko O., Gerstenbrand F.: COGIMIR - How to Measure Cognitive Functions in
Vana N., Schöner W., Fugger M., Akatov
J.A.: DOSIMIR - Radiation Measurements Inside the
Soviet Space Station MIR
Gallasch E., Moser M., Kenner T.,
Kozlovskaya I, Konev A., Borisov M.: Experiment MIKROVIB - Investigation of Tremors in
Tuschl H., Klein W., Kovac R., Ott E.,
Chajdakow M.S., Voronkov Y.J.: Experiment MIRGEN
Berger M., Gerstenbrand E., Kozlovskaya
I.B., Burlatchkova N., Muigg A., Sokolov A., Babaev B.,
Grill I., Borisov M., DeCol C., Holzmüller G., Hochmair
E., Steinwender G.: Eye, Head and Arm
Coordination and Spinal Reflexes in Weightlessness - MONIMIR Experiment
Bachl N., Baron R., Tschan H., Mossaheb
M., Stockhamrner H., Bumba W., Kozlovskaya I., Kharitonov
K, Albrecht R., Hildebrand F., Witt M., Knauf M.: Development
and Implementation of the MOTOMIR Experiment on the MIR Space Station
Müller Chr., Kornilova L., Wiest G.,
Deecke L.: OPTOVERT - Vertical Optokinetic Stimulation Used
to Examine Central Orientational Processes
Moser M., Gallasch E., Rafolt D., Jernej
C., Kemp C., Moser-Kneffel E., Kenner T., Baevskij R.,
Funtova I.: Cardiovascular Monitoring in
Microgravity - The experiments PULSTRANS /
RLF website