Welcome to the
15th IAA Humans in Space Symposium

Graz / Austria, May 22-26, 2005    

Benefits of Human Presence in Space

Historical, scientific, medical, cultural, and political aspects

Humans in Space is an international scientific symposium dedicated to discussion and research in those human and biological sciences related to long-duration space travel

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Publication in Acta Astronautica

 Please bring your full text for possible publication in Acta Astronautica to the meeting.

IAA requires that all authors bring their articles to the meeting. The papers should be prepared in the Acta Astronautica format.
Elsevier no longer uses "camera ready" format. But an electronic copy in Word format (floppy disk, CD...) will be required for the final version.

A peer review will be carried out after the meeting, determining which papers will actually be published in the Journal.

Papers might be accepted with a request to reduce the length if necessary.
The Special Issue will be mailed to the authors when it is printed.