Helmut G. Hinghofer-Szalkay

Spaceflight Research, Consultancy & Publications

   NASA publications
   ESA Publications
   Other spaceflight-relevant publications
   Book on Austro-Russian spaceflight research
   Cooperation with NASA-ARC

Helmut Hinghofer-Szalkay has spent one year at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, and served as consultant for various international institutions, including the European Space Agency. In 1994, he established the Institute for Adaptive and Spaceflight Physiology in Graz, Austria. He won NASA-awards, and received the Yuri-Gagarin-medal from IMBP Moscow in 1999.

ESA Publications

Hinghofer-Szalkay H. Physiology of cardiovascular, respiratory, interstitial, endocrine, immune, and muscular systems. In: D. Moore, P. Bie, H. Oser (eds): Biological and Medical Research in Space. 1996; pp. 107-53. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York

Hinghofer-Szalkay H. Achievements in medical research in space. esa sp-385, 1996;  pp. 67-73 (Space Station Utilisation Symposium, Darmstadt, Germany, 30 September-2 October 1996). ISBN 92-9092-223-0

Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Moore D. Some comments on biological aspects of life support systems. In: D. Moore, P. Bie, H. Oser (eds): Biological and Medical Research in Space. 1996; pp. 542-61. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York

Hinghofer-Szalkay H, in: Focused Science in the ESA Microgravity Programme - A Review of Life Sciences Research in Space. European Space Agency, Paris 1994
   Physiology - Introduction to Ch. 3, pp. 94-5
   Cardiovascular system, Ch. 3.1, pp. 95-102
   Respiratory system, Ch. 3.3, pp. 103-11
   Interstitial space & fluid regulation, Ch. 3.4, pp. 112-6
   Endocrine system, Ch. 3.5, pp. 117-21
   Immune system, Ch. 3.6, pp. 122-6
   Musculo-skeletal system, Ch. 3.7, pp. 127-36
   Bioregenerative Life Support Systems, pp. 409-11
   Food, nutrition, metabolism, pp. 411-20
   Countermeasures, pp. 420-6

Hinghofer-Szalkay H. Human physiology research in space. Microgravity News 1991; 4: 21-8

Benson A, Bonde-Petersen F, Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Kirsch K, Klein KE, Milhaud C, Stegemann J. Physiology and Medicine. 1989; pp. 5-30. In: European Space Agency SP-1105

Hinghofer-Szalkay H. Gravity and biological systems. Emphasis on human physiology (N. Longdon, Ed.). ESA BR-21, 1984; 26 pp.  ESTEC, Noordwijk 1984

Bonde-Petersen F, Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Hordinsky J. Microgravity as an additional tool for research in human physiology. 1982; 53 pp. European Space Agency BR-09

Hinghofer-Szalkay H. Tilt table and related studies. In: Zero-g simulation for ground-based studies in human physiology, with emphasis on the cardiovascular and body fluid systems. 1982; pp. 81-102. European Space Agency SP-180

Hinghofer-Szalkay H. Analysis of proposals submitted to ESA concerning space-related cardiovascular research, with emphasis on human physiology. Summary Report. Life 1981; (81)1. European Space Agency, Paris


   European Space Agency (esa) - see publications

   Aerospace Companies (Dornier, Germany; Matra, France; Carrar, France; ORS, Austria) on the following topics:

Spacelab: Anthrorack systems & model mission proposal

Hermes: Studies on food & water management and microbiological control

Columbus / Space Station: System studies on:


Together with W. Petek and G. Dohr, H. Hinghofer-Szalkay organized a tutorial on biology, physiology, and biochemistry for European space technicians ('BBAF-Course') in Graz, Austria (April 7-12, 1986). Contents:

NASA Publications

Hinghofer-Szalkay HG. The Brittle Bones of Deconditioning, in: JE Greenleaf (ed).: Deconditioning: A Treatise for Physicisans. Taylor and Francis, London (in print)

Greenleaf JE, H. Hinghofer-Szalkay, A Roessler, PA Farrell, JL Loomis, M Federle, J West, SE Cowell. Plasma sodium-osmotic dissociation and hormonal interaction with drinking-induced hypervolemia at 2800m altitude. Aviat Space Environ Med 72: 2001; 72: 522-8

Greenleaf JE, CGR Jackson, G Geelen, LC Keil, H Hinghofer-Szalkay, JH Whittam. Plasma volume expansion with oral fluids in hypohydrated men at rest and during exercise. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1998; 69: 837-44

Greenleaf JE, PA Farrell, JL Loomis, M Federle, J West, A Roessler, H. Hinghofer-Szalkay. Sodium chloride - citrate beverages attenuate hypovolemia in men resting 12 hr at 2,800 m altitude. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1998; 69: 936-43

Greenleaf JE, PA Farrell, H Hinghofer-Szalkay. Dehydration at airline cabine altitude. Research & Technology: Human Exploration and Development of Space Enterprise: Astronaut Health / Countermeasures. NASA TM 112195 (1996), pp. 141-4

Greenleaf JE, Geelen G, Jackson CGR, Saumet JL, Juhos LT, Keil LC, Fegan-Meyer D, Dearborn A, Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Whittam JH. Vascular uptake of rehydration fluids in hypohydrated men at rest and exercise. NASA TM-103942: August 1992

Greenleaf JE, Hinghofer-Szalkay H. Plasma volume methodology: Evans blue, Hb-Hct and mass density transformations. NASA TM 86834, Washington D.C. 1985
Some other spaceflight-relevant publications
Hinghofer-Szalkay H. Gravity, the hydrostatic indifference concept and the cardiovascular system. Eur J Appl Physiol 2011; 111: 163-74

Hinghofer-Szalkay HG. The Brittle Bones of Deconditioning. Chapter 7 in: JE Greenleaf (ed).: Deconditioning and Reconditioning. CRC Press LLC (ISBN 0-415-30650-7), 2004, pp. 99-125

Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Z Laszlo, D Jezova, A Rössler, B Haditsch, K Pilz, H Passath, H Scharfetter. Bed rest immobilization with various oral sodium supply: Plasma hormones and body fluids. Endocrine Regulations 2002; 36: 151-9

Loeppky JA, Luther DK, Maes D, Riboni K, Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Charlton GA, Icenogle MV. Plasma volume by Evans blue: effects of eating and comparison with other methods at altitude. Aviat Space Environ Med 2002; 73: 902-6

Noskov VB, Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Kvetnansky R. The volume regulation of humans during space flights aboard space station MIR. Symposium "Orbital station Mir: biomedical investigations" - XIIth Conference on Space Biology and Aerospace Medicine, Moscow, p. 543-4

Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Loder I, Rössler A, Jezova D. Cardiovascular regulation during combined (LBNP/HDT vs. LBPP/HUT) stimulation. Abstracts: 8th European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space, and 23rd Ann. Int'l Gravitational Physiology Meeting, 2-7 June 2002, Stockholm. ESA SP-501, p. 143

Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Rössler A, Scharfetter H, Pilz K, Laszlo Z. LBNP response after simulated weightlessness with varied oral sodium supply. Abstracts: 8th European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space, and 23rd Ann. Int'l Gravitational Physiology Meeting, 2-7 June 2002, Stockholm. ESA SP-501, p. 146Roessler A, Noskov V, Laszlo Z, Polyakov VV

Hinghofer-Szalkay H. Permanent depression of plasma cGMP during long-term space flight. Physiol Res 2001; 50: 83-90

Hinghofer-Szalkay HG, Laszlo Z, Roessler A, Haditsch B, Rothaler A, Unterlerchner M, Woellik U. LBNP-induced changes in plasma cGMP with and without head down tilt bed rest. J Gravit Physiol 1999; 6: P 105-6

Hinghofer-Szalkay HG, Noskov VB, Rössler A, Grigoriev AI, Kvetnansky R, Polyakov VV. Endocrine status and LBNP-induced hormone changes during a 438-day space flight. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1999; 70: 1-5

Grigoriev AI, VB Noskov, VV Polyakov, DV Vorobiev, IA Nichiporuk, HG Hinghofer-Szalkay, A Rössler, R Kvetnansky, L Macho. Dynamics of the hormonal regulation during LBNP sessions in (a) long-term space mission. Aviakosm Ecol Med. 1998; 32: 18-23

Loeppky JA, Icenogle M, Scotto P, Robergs R, Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Roach RC. Pulmonary ventilation during simulated altitude, normobaric hypoxia and normoxic hypobaria in humans. Resp Physiol. 1997; 107: 231-9

H. Hinghofer-Szalkay (ed): Special issue on Spaceflight medicine, Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 1994; 143/23-24

Noskov VB, Sukhanov YV, Volkov AA, Hinghofer-Szalkay H, König E, Sauseng-Fellegger G, Viehböck F, Kvetnansky R, Jezova D, Macho L. Assessment of the reactivity of cosmonaut´s hormonal regulation system during LBNP test during Soviet-Austrian flight onboard orbital station "MIR". Aerosp Environ Med. 1994; 28: 33-7

Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Noskov V, Schmied J, Roehrer R, Viehboeck F, Koenig EM, Sauseng-Fellegger G, Zambo-Polz C, Heimel H, Grigoriev AI. Changes of blood / plasma composition with LBNP on ground and in space in one subject. Aviat Space Environ Med.  1994; 65: 214-9

Hinghofer-Szalkay HG, Noskov V, Jezova D, Sauseng-Fellegger G, Fueger GF, Sukhanov Y, Koenig EM, Zambo-Polz C, Barowitsch C, Viehboeck F, Macho L, Kvetnansky R, Grigoriev A I. Hormonal changes with lower body suction on 6th day in weightlessness in one cosmonaut. Aviat Space Environ Med.  1993; 64: 1000-5

Austrian Society for Aerospace Medicine (ed.): Health from Space Research 1992; ISBN 3-211-82413-8, Springer Verlag, Wien / New York  See also >publications